Sunday, December 04, 2005

Go F@#! Yourself!!!

We've all been there. Sometimes when you are out and about in the world, taking care of business and tending to your daily routines you encounter screwed up people. Seemingly there only goal is to by any means impede your progress. Most often you try to steer clear of these assholes. But every now and then the "funnel of life" just happens to narrow down to where all roads lead to a jackass or two or three. What to do? Solution seems complicated, eh? Well the simplest solutions tend to be the best, indeed. And this guy knows exactly what you should do next time you cross paths with the hopeless majority out there.

Here are a few solutions I like the most:

What to do when people bust your balls...

What to do with people with cell phones who are being rude...

What police should do to thwart youth criminals...

Why peddlers were great back in the day...

